

Raleigh County families will have access to affordable health insurance for their children and preventive/assistive health and lifestyle education to promote healthy and productive lives.

Raleigh County's service system for children and families will be clearly defined, focused on strengths and easily accessed by families.

Early childhood services in Raleigh County will be coordinated, provide quality service, and be accessible to families.

Raleigh County FRN will function as a community problem-solving group.

Promote outcomes such as safe communities, stable homes, strong families, healthy people, children ready for school and skilled workers.

Improve services for children and families by: Assessing community needs and resources, developing and implementing local plans, coordinating services increasing public awareness, mobilizing the community around issues affecting children and families, and evaluating the results of their efforts.

Work on issues identified as priorities for their community, such as: Welfare reform, access to health care, early education and child care, parenting education and support, violence prevention, literacy, Family Resource centers, and volunteer recruitment.

Address these issues so that: Resources are invested wisely, services for children and families are more effective and efficient, the need for new or expanded services can be addressed, citizens have the opportunity to shape services in their community, and pubilc support for children and families is increased.


Individual membership is open to citizens who live and work in Raleigh County and are interested and willing to participate in the mission of the RCFRN.

Representative membership of the RCFRN includes but is not limited to health departments, FMRS (Behavioral health), education and DHHR. Representative membership in the FRN is also available to consumers of services and those community organizations, advocacy groups,religious organizations, the business community and other services providing agencies wishing to participate in the future development of Raleigh County.

All membership or appointments are without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, disability, age or religion.